How to spot a psychopath
Psychopaths are people who are experts in manipulating and managing others as they please, always for destructive purposes. They seek only their own personal interest at the expense of others and their well-being. Psychopaths can be extremely harmful beings both to society in general and to the people around them. One of the dangers of psychopaths is that they tend to get those around them or who know them to try to act like them in certain ways, which sometimes leads to a wave of uncivil behavior in society, from which they are subsequently very difficult to determine its origin. Here I am going to share a series of descriptions to help you better identify and deal with these types of human beings.
1. They only think about their own interest
2. They are experts at manipulating others
3. They feel emotions in their own way
4. They are also experts at pretending
5. Adverse effects
First of all, it should be noted that psychopathy is not a mental disorder, since it does not affect cognitive abilities or the performance of daily life, nor is it a disease, it is a condition of the person since it has no cure or possible treatment beyond isolation from the rest of the people so they cannot do any harm.
1. Psychopaths are characterized by thinking only of their own benefit, which is usually making up for their shortcomings based on negative emotions (Envy, hatred, pride, revenge...) and both these and the methods they use tend to be absolutely destructive and harmful to them. others, since they never notice the damage they do, but only satisfy their emotions.
2. In order to achieve what they want, a psychopath will not hesitate to cause disproportionate suffering to others, as long as it does not affect him/her. If this is the case, he will play the role of victim perfectly, always blaming others for the things that affect him, but they always try to stay as far away as possible from the conflict, so that they cannot be related to it. although, in most cases, they play a determining role in the conflicts that happen around them, and are capable of convincing others, (and they are very good at this) of THEIR hypotheses about said conflicts, their causes, and the measures to take, which are usually more in line with the desires and desires of the psychopath and not so much with reality. But they are able to trick practically anyone with these strategies, convincing them that the cause of their problems is a certain person or group of people whom they hate, and that the solution is to take measures that actually harm that person or group of people. that group.
People generally do not realize this, since they do not imagine that a person could act so twisted, but the truth is that psychopaths take advantage of that, of that innocence due to people's ignorance and have achieved many funny things. thereto. People only realize when they have to put up with a psychopath day after day and they end up realizing their strategies, often unconsciously or subconsciously, so that they are not able to express what is happening to others and they fall victims. of mental problems such as depression.
3. Psychopaths do not feel or process emotions the same as other people, there are some characteristic features of psychopathy, it is a list in which some features matter more than others, and that there are people who are not psychopaths, but who possess one or more of these traits. This simply means that they possess these traits, but to classify a person as a psychopath, one must have to study their behavior and their motivations, it is not enough that you have some psychopathic trait, since the latter is quite common.
They are capable of feeling all the negative emotions, not so much the positive ones. But most have such control over themselves that they are capable of pretending to feel one emotion when in reality they are feeling another. For example, they are capable of pretending that a comment made them laugh, or that they are having a good time with you, when inside they are actually plotting their plans. They often pretend to be scared, sad, or even depressed when it suits them, when in reality they are not feeling it. A psychopath does not feel fear, but will appear terrified if he believes that he will obtain some benefit from doing so (for example, the attention of others).
4. A psychopath will never show himself as he is, nor will he let his/her true emotions be seen, not even to the person closest to him/her. Instead, he will try to provoke in his interlocutor or in the people with whom he interacts the emotions that best suit his purposes, which are usually anger/hatred and thanks to which he can manipulate others more easily. They tend to have a great image of themselves and tend to have a certain obsession with looking good in front of others, with giving exactly the image that they have built to their liking, which is why they tend to get angry when that meticulously constructed facade is questioned or unmasked, so confronting them with the truth or questioning their image is something that should be done only when one can completely protect oneself from them.
5. Apart from all the damage and destruction that psychopaths can cause, there is an added problem, and that is that they often seek to make those who know them act like them, and, in fact, this is happening in increasing numbers. more alarming and in more and more aspects of human life. A clear example are some influencers, there is a category of them that promote the idea that you can have money and live surrounded by luxuries despite being completely ignorant, causing many people to see themselves reflected and become convinced that they deserve the same.
This is an idea that has permeated Western society quite a bit in recent decades, giving rise to a frustrated and self-conscious society. This is also the case in politics, where dozens of politicians are accused in a single plot, probably concocted by a single person who has managed to convince all the others. In other words, they tend to induce others to follow their same patterns of behavior. To do this, they always try to project an image of success and that they are wonderful people with a great reputation, when in reality their way of acting says just the opposite. If confronted, and an attempt is made to dismantle this meticulously constructed facade with evidence, the psychopath will become enraged and will blame the other person, accusing them of lying, and even of manipulation.
Currently the world, and especially Europe, are in a delicate situation. The current economic situation, in which there is great stagnation due to the lack of development and innovation, also causes consumption to decrease, making it even worse. When this circumstance occurs, the upper class stops investing in businesses, to deposit their money in investment funds, which basically what they do is speculate, and generate a fixed income with low risk. This causes the business fabric to stop growing and even shrink, and a large number of jobs stop being created and some even disappear, causing the economy to stagnate and even enter a recession.
The solution does not seem to be to go through a Marshall plan and spend money left and right, due to the background of some countries, but rather to grant aid and funds to countries but with exhaustive control of the destination of each euro and the return it generates or will generate in society. In this way, those investments that produce a higher return can be encouraged, and those that produce a low or no return can be studied, which deserve to be preserved due to situations of need, social vulnerability, etc. Something like this would not only encourage healthy competition between member states, but would also serve to help combat corruption. Meanwhile, billionaires live in a kind of bubble, disconnected from the real needs of the people, and instead of promoting or creating things that help citizens with their authentic needs, they dedicate themselves to satisfying some people's desires for power and control, as well as their billionaire fantasies that do not usually benefit ordinary people in the least.
Young people, seeing the great lack of opportunities due to all of the above, decide to leave, or take paths that are less beneficial for society, but more profitable to lead a dignified life. All of this leads to a more insecure and problematic society, making it necessary to invest more money in the police in order to maintain order and keep everything functioning, thereby expanding the police state and repression by the State, in addition to harming the economy, the rights of citizens are trampled. The system until now has been based on the idea of exponential growth, assuming that all people of the same social class have the same value for society, regardless of their character, their past or their training, the only difference there is between social classes, where there are indeed people who are worth more than others for some people.
But the European system is based on the assumption that a person with little or no training and little or no work experience can replace a trained and experienced worker, and that by being paid less this will benefit society. Due to the obsession of some employers with reducing costs, they give more importance to what they are going to save from one worker to another, instead of the quality of their training or their experience or work history. This generates a downward competition, in which workers compete only for who accepts the lowest salary. This causes waves of people with little information and experience to gradually displace those better trained and with more experience, who demand a higher salary, who decide to leave for other better-paid destinations, with better conditions, and with a better social environment.
This causes the country to lose competitiveness compared to the rest, causing the collapse of its economy and condemning many of its citizens to a poor existence longing for decent healthcare, work and housing. The leaders of the European Union spend the day smiling and talking about the benefits of it, when in some countries the average citizen lives economically suffocated and constantly seeing their rights trampled under the complacent gaze of an EU sick with endless paperwork and procedures, but that does not skimp on resources when it comes to silencing those who do not agree with something that is happening. Meanwhile our leaders spend the day giving good-natured speeches and patting themselves on the chest talking about how well they do everything. We live in the dictatorship of goodism. They put people in front of us with an impeccable image and a similar career for everyone to see, when those behind us are not even remotely like that. Most people live manipulated by this system. It is the duty of the governments of Europe to guarantee a dignified life for their citizens. If unskilled people continue to enter and the labor market is affected in this way, it will be very difficult for these governments to offer a stable and dignified life to their citizens.
The class system in Europe is based on the most absolute immobility. Wealth is basically hereditary, and no effort, talent or ability, no matter how great, is going to make it possible for a middle or lower class citizen to progress and reach a place in the upper class. There are people in charge of governments. who work hard every day to make it that way. This system completely tramples on the rights of citizens and is an immense drag on the progress and improvement of the country. It causes those in higher positions to become complacent, having no reason to try hard or do things correctly.
And then, as this upper class is less productive, more is required of them than before to balance the situation. And it happens that those who produce the most and therefore contribute the most to society end up suffocated by taxes and rising prices, and are forced to leave or look for more lucrative businesses, but generally less beneficial for society, with this, the business fabric is degraded and conditions are toughened for all members of the upper class. One way to help solve this would be to have a system that allows someone who has the ability, who makes efforts and who complies with certain ethical and moral minimums to progress economically and socially and thus have all the means to be able to carry out their work in the community in the better way, instead of giving it to those who produce nothing. One result of this wrong policy is populist and despotic leaders trapped in an immobility of debts, deals and favors, who do not take measures and decisions for the benefit of citizens, but instead manipulate them and do all kinds of plots and tricks to stay in the power, because with the current situation, they know that they cannot promise anything. This means that the vast majority of the measures taken are not for the benefit of citizens, but only to maintain the system static.
The system until now has been based on an idea of exponential and unlimited growth, where each generation would outnumber the previous one. In a scenario of resource scarcity, this system is no longer viable, because the greater the growth, the more resources will be needed, the more it is consumed, the scarcer they will be, and the scarcer they are, the more the price will rise, slowing down this growth and causing it to be non-viable at some point. Therefore, it would be interesting to agree on a common population density ceiling for all countries, more than anything to avoid expansionist ambitions. If a person who has abilities, who makes an effort and is not a bad person, is provided with means and is treated well, he will be more efficient, and if he climbs the social ladder then he will have more ability, and all that represents a benefit for society. On the contrary, if what is attempted is to take advantage of the ability and good will of that person, without granting him an additional benefit for it, as is currently done, that person will not be nearly as useful as he could be, and most likely she will be depressed and upset, seeing that no matter how hard she tries she cannot make progress, so she will lose interest in doing anything useful. Likewise, gathering information through coercion or taking advantage of their position and without giving anything in return creates an oppressive system that tramples on the rights of citizens.
For all this, it is important to give fair compensation to those who have the ability and make the effort, because in this way they will be better off and have more means, and that translates into a greater benefit for society. While those who do not make an effort, or who constantly try to live at the expense of the efforts of others, should be penalized in our society. Currently China is the world's factory, they are capable of creating any object found on the market at the most economical price. So now, the western side will have to see what it can offer the world. What could be done is to bet on research and innovation, especially in microprocessors, electronics, transportation and energy, always jealously protecting their work. Also protecting the national production of food in each country, and investing and working on its export, especially those with a recognized designation of origin or with superior quality, always betting on the most ecological, automating all processes as much as possible, without sacrificing quality for it, it is compatible to automate with using ecological products and with achieving maximum quality, all in order to preserve food sovereignty in each country.
One of the measures that will be taken in many countries consists of building new nuclear power plants, in addition to modernizing the existing ones, despite the inconveniences they have due to radiation, since there is no alternative, until clean energy sources are sufficiently developed to be a viable alternative as the main source of energy.
It must be taken into account that due to climate change, extreme weather events (tornadoes, hurricanes, floods...) are going to be increasingly frequent until the situation begins to reverse, therefore, the nuclear power plants that are built will to have to be very well located, very well designed and very well built to avoid greater evils. Nuclear fusion energy is humanity's great hope to end pollution and win the battle against climate change, as well as provide clean and cheap energy to the entire planet. That is why it would be very interesting for the main powers to form a scientific alliance in order to jointly develop it, which would greatly accelerate its completion. It is assumed that the information about the development of said machine cannot be used for destructive purposes, so there would be no reason to distrust between countries. But until it arrives, we will have to do with what we have, and it is no use being full of electric cars if the electricity they use is generated by polluting.
Despite having to continue, unfortunately, with nuclear fission, it would be advisable to invest more in research and development of renewable energy sources, as well as build reversible dams and hydrogen generation stations connected to the renewable energy stations, in order to store energy (or transform it into hydrogen) when there is low demand (or excess production). Another aspect of renewables is legislation. Currently, the legislation of some countries penalizes self-consumption of energy, where citizens have no choice but to give in to the large electricity companies and pay exorbitant prices for electricity as there is no counterpoint. It would be a way for many people to access clean, low-cost energy, not to mention being able to sell excess electricity that is fed into the grid, as is already happening in Germany. That would be the logical evolution that is being slowed down in some european countries. Another interesting option to reduce energy consumption in general would be to introduce more two-wheeled cars (or motorcycles with a body as some say) into the market, since they are much lighter than a conventional car and therefore consume less (or so it should be), without having fewer features, although some may question (and rightly) their safety, so they would be better for cities, where high speeds are not reached. And taking into account the size of the automobile fleet of any advanced country, it can be deduced that a reduction, even if it does not reach fifty percent in the consumption of each vehicle, would generate more than considerable savings. To date, some models have been manufactured, such as the Gyro-X, or the more current C-1. It could be interesting to promote them, especially in cities. We must keep in mind that the planet's resources are limited, and the remaining oil should only be used to produce plastics until we have a better alternative, bringing minerals from asteroids may be viable for research purposes, but for commercial purposes, considering that it can easily cost a hundred times more than obtaining it here, by now it is not viable.
There is currently talk of temporary geoengineering, such as spraying the sky with sulfur to dim the amount of light reaching the earth. This is what in Spain is commonly known as a firefighter's idea, that is, a terrible idea. This procedure would act by creating a spring effect, that is, while this technique is being applied, it would probably be possible to effectively reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth, but without doing absolutely anything to solve the problem, which would continue to increase invariably, but without noticing its effects, and at the moment when due to some technical problem or simply because the situation is already so serious that not even that works, it would act like a compressed spring when released, and the harmful effects, which would have been attenuated until now, they would manifest themselves suddenly and with maximum virulence, condemning all of humanity. In short, taking temporary solutions to climate change/global warming is by far the worst thing we could do. The problem is not so much the Co2, as this is processed naturally by plants and converted into oxygen, so the predictable result of an excess of Co2 in the air would be a natural increase in the density of the green areas of the planet. The most harmful gases are, by far, fluorinated gases, which directly destroy the ozone layer. The others are supposed to accumulate in the atmosphere and cause the greenhouse effect, but do not destroy it, so a reduction in their concentration would be enough to solve it, while the effects of fluorinated gases are much more difficult to reverse as they erase the ozone layer. It seems that we don't care about pollution or contamination, that we must face the prospect of extinction in order to react.
Therefore, we must take permanent, constructive and long-term solutions, putting brick after brick and not taking any shortcuts, until we can be calmer, use mainly clean and renewable energy sources, and manage well the planet's resources (recycling ), otherwise a very dark future awaits us, life after life, here on Earth, if we do not extinct...
Image: A.I. generated art
Information is power
Currently in our society there is a kind of battle for information. We are constantly bombarded with completely superficial information (Facebook, Instagram, ads...) and on the other hand, really important information tends to be hidden. This is not something new, it has been this way since immemorial time, the problem is that it is reaching obscene limits. It is no longer just about hiding important information, but in each country, there are groups of people, including psychologists and psychiatrists, directed and financed by the government, who are dedicated to manipulating the little information that reaches the people. people so that they take it in a certain way and the general reaction is what is intended to be achieved (As an example, the photo of Aylan, the boy who appeared dead on the beach and dressed completely in the western style, since those images went around the world, and provoked a general reaction among the masses that was what certain governments expected there to be). This strategy, it must be recognized, often benefits citizens, but there are times that do not. It's like in school, mathematics is taught, but not economics, it is taught to analyze sentences, but not to express oneself correctly, philosophy is taught, but not to think critically, ethics is taught, but not how to be a good person. For this reason, useful information is acquiring more value than ever and is becoming a very precious currency. This makes governments, companies and organizations in general so eager to protect information that citizens end up swimming in a sea of ignorance and misinformation. With new technologies (television, internet, deepfakes) scammers and deceivers have it easier than ever to entangle people. This is a field in which artificial intelligence can play a relevant role, analyzing all the information and detecting that which may be manipulated or biased. People are also becoming more reserved, they are increasingly reluctant to share information, aware that any information nowadays can be used. This leads us to cold and meaningless personal relationships, and generates a kind of completely empty reality with an aura of secrecy that is the environment where manipulators, scammers and tricksters move like a fish in water. That is why it is so important to preserve real culture, because it is a very important tool to transmit thoughts and emotions in society. Likewise, it is important to be critical of culture and not accept anything meekly, in order to keep alive the culture that really provides a benefit to society and discard that which is empty and meaningless. Currently it is really difficult to find information that provides us, that is not banalities, therefore, with these circumstances, only by protecting culture and education, can we free ourselves not only from the bonds of ignorance, but also from some serious problems that arise because of it.
The Future of A.I.
Much has been written lately about A.I. and its future, there are some key points that should be taken into account. A.I. is currently used in a multitude of applications, from real-time translators to unmanned spacecraft capable of landing on another planet on their own, not to mention the benefits in the area of health. The benefits it can provide are incalculable, as are its potential dangers. The important thing is to channel its development towards peaceful and constructive purposes and establish legislation that penalizes malicious use. The verbal A.I., like ChatGPT was born as a tool aimed at providing accurate information from a large amount of data. This is, by far, the most powerful and therefore the most dangerous variant of A.I. The greatest danger is that a group of people, which can reach the size of a country, or even a continent, use it to overcome others or subjugate them.
For example, the country or countries that develop the most powerful AIs will have a strategic advantage over the others and therefore more decision-making capacity over them, the latter is somewhat inevitable, since it is very difficult to establish regulation at international level that is effective in this area, in this case, it is the countries themselves that have the power to decide what use they give to A.I. as such. It is assumed that its use at a global level by nations will contribute to achieving world peace instead of the opposite as long as it will help to take better decisions at the highest levels.
Therefore, although the appearances of experts in the US Congress may be a bit spectacular, rarely in history have they been so necessary. We have a long road ahead with A.I. It is up to us whether it is a winding path or an uplifting walk.
In the archives section there’s a brief emotional story created entirely by ChatGPT so you can appreciate it’s capabilities.
Photo by Petai Jantrapoon in vecteezy
Why not fight for ecology?
The issue of climate change seems to be a European issue, when in reality it is everyone's problem. The problem is no longer that sea level rises a little, or that some ice melts at the poles. The problem from now on will be droughts, and, in general, extreme weather events that will become more and more frequent, as well as water and food shortages. Currently, the countries that pollute the most are China, followed by the United States and India, therefore, these countries would take a great leap forward if they agreed to take the initiative regarding the challenge of achieving a less polluting society. Electric cars, together with clean power plants, as well as the long-awaited nuclear fusion are more necessary than ever.
Therefore, it is vital that China, the United States and India put on the table an ecological transition plan towards a sustainable society free of fossil fuels. This is something that will benefit them in many aspects, such as reducing the number of people hospitalized for respiratory diseases, as well as cases of cancer, or a society that needs many fewer resources to function, are some of the aspects that without no doubt they would improve. It is also worth mentioning that, unlike ninety years ago, today environmentalism is associated with a constructive and peaceful mentality, and can be used as an associative element.
In conclusion, just say that both droughts and extreme weather events are going to become more and more frequent until some things like the ozone layer are restored, provided that from now on we take the right path. So don't forget to use sunscreen and happy apocalypse.
Photo from Thijs Stoop in Unsplash